I really wanted to like this book, but it just wasn't my cup of tea. I started skimming about a fourth of the way through since I figured it wasn't worth finishing. I'm happy with my decision although it's always hard for me to categorize a book as "did not finish."
I absolutely loved "Heart's Blood." The next book I read by Juliet Marillier was "Daughter of the Forest," which was enjoyable although a bit slow-paced. I was really hoping this book would be a good medium between the two.
Alas, it wasn't the case.
Mayhap it was the alternating view points, but I thought "Dreamer's Pool" was quite dull. Grim's character was really interesting and I particularly enjoyed how Marillier distinguished him from the other characters. Blackthorn's perspective was well-written, but Oran merely got on my nerves. I wish Marillier had stuck with one character's perspective and not switched between the three.
Maybe I'll have better luck next time!